7 Frequency Distribution Tables and Graphs

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Data: The word ‘data’ means information in the form of numerical figures or a set of given facts. is a 

set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables.

i) The marks obtained by pupils of a class in a monthly test are: . This is quantitative data.

ii) However, a collection of colors like Red, Blue, Green would be qualitative data something that 

generally cannot be measured with numerical results.

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➢ Raw or Ungrouped Data: The data obtained in original form is called raw data or ungrouped data. 

Clearly, the data shown above is a raw data. Normally, when we collect data, we will get raw data.

Group Data: For the sake of convenience (in study and comparison), we may condense the raw data 

into classes or groups. Such a presentation is known as grouped data.

Array: An arrangement of raw numerical data in ascending order of magnitude is called an Array. 

Example: 1,3,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15.

➢ Tabulation or Presentation of Data: Arranging the data in the form of tables in condensed form is 

called as the Tabulation or Presentation of data.

➢ Observation: Each numerical figure in a data is called observation.

Frequency: The number of times a particular observation occurs is called its frequency.

➢ Frequency distribution: The tabular arrangement of data showing the frequency of each observation 

is called a frequency distribution.

➢ Frequency Distribution of Ungrouped Data:

Let’s use the following data to learn Frequency distribution.

Data : 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, 6 (this data could be anything… may be number of 

TVs in homes, number of kids in families in a community etc.)

Step 1: Arranging the above data in ascending order, we get: 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, and 6.

Step 2: Organize the data in frequency distribution. In simple terms, what it means is the number of 

times the same data appears.

Thus, we may prepare a frequency table as under:

➢ Grouped Frequency Distribution:

When you have large data set, the above frequency distribution might be more cumbersome. In such 

scenarios, we can simplify the data by grouping it in groups.

Inclusive Form: Let’s say for the above data, we put them in different grouping or groups or class 

interval such as 0-2, 3-4 and 5-6 .

Here 0-2 means between 0 and 2 , including both 0 and 2 . So, this form is known as inclusive form. 

0 is called the lower limit and 2 is upper limit of the class 0-2 .

Exclusive Form: If we do the same thing, but instead of inclusive, we have exclusive classes.

Here 0-2 means between 0 and 2 , including 0 but excluding 2 . 

So, this form is known as exclusive form. 0 is called the lower limit and 2 is upper limit of the class 

0-2 . Thus 0-2 would mean 0 and more but less than 2.

Class-interval: Each group into which the raw data is condensed is called a class-interval. 

Each class is bounded by two figures, which are called class limits. 

The figure on left side called lower limit and figure on right side is called as upper limit of the class.

Thus is a class with upper limit and lower limit .

➢ Class-boundaries: In an exclusive form the lower limits and upper limits are known as class 


Thus, if the boundaries of the class10 − 20 in exclusive forms are 10 and 20 .

The boundaries in inclusive form are obtained by subtracting from lower limit and adding to 

upper limit. 

Thus the boundaries in inclusive form are10 − 20 and 9.5 − 20.5.

Class-size: Difference between true upper limit and true lower limit is called the class size.

➢ Class Mark or Mid-value:

Class mark= 1

2 × (𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 + 𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡)

Thus the class mark of 10 − 20 is 1

2 × (20 + 10) = 15

Range: The difference between the maximum value and the minimum value of the observations is called its range.

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Exercise 7.1

(1) Arithmetic mean will be


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= 66365/6

= 11060.08

(2) Mean of the given data

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10.25+ 9 + 4.75+ 8+ 2.65+ 12+ 2.35/7

= 49/7

= 7

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(3) If the mean of 8 observation is 25

Then total 25 x 8 = 200

If one observation 11 is excluded

Then total will be 200 – 11 = 189

Now the mean of remaining 189/7 = 27

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(4) Total 9 x 38 = 342

If 27 is taken insted of 72.

Then  total be = 342 – 72 + 27 = 207

Now the actual mean of the remaining = 297/ 9 = 33

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(5) Let the member of the family be x

Sum of ages of the family = 5x

After 5 years age will be 25x + 5x = 30x

Then the present age of mean = 30x/x = 30

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(6) Total age of the group  = 40 x 11 = 440

2 years ago, age was = 440 + 2 x 40 = 520

Now total age of 39 is 39 x 12 = 468

The age of the person who left the group was 520 – 468 = 52 year.

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(7) Mean = 5+8+12+10+15+22/6 = 12

Sum of deviations

|5 – 12| + |8 – 12| + |12 – 12| + |10 – 12| + |15 – 12| + |22 – 12|

= |-7| + |4| + |0| + |-2| + |3| + |10|

= 7 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 10

= 26

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(8) We know, Mean deviations = sum deviations/ number of observation

= 100/ 20

= 5

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(9) Arithmetic mean of the data = 4+21+13+5+9+10+20+19+12+20+14/ 12

= 164/12

= 13.66

10) Let, marks of Karishma = x

Mean = x+x-8+x-6+x-3+x-3+x-1+x+x+2+x+3+x+4+x+6/10= 15

=> 10x-9+6/10 = 15

=> 10x = 150+3

=> x = 153/10

=> x = 15.3

(12) Writing in orders, we get

3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8

Here median is 6 is even number

So, average of two middle number is

3.3+3.5/2 = 6.8/2

= 3.4

(13) Given 10, 12, 14, x – 3, x, x+2, 25

Median = 15 is an odd numebr

So the median = 7+1/2

So, (7+1/2) = 15

= 4th term = 15

So, x – 3 = 15

=> x = 18

The observation are 10,12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 25

(14) Arranging we get

9, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 15, 19, 20, 21

Since 10 is used often,

so, mode = 10

(15) If mode is x

If each scare is decreased by 3.

then new mode of new series be x – 3

(16) Since there is no repeat of number in natural numbers.

So, mode will be 0.

(17) Arranging we get 5, 8, 10, 15, 15, 24, 28

Arithmetic mean = 5+8+10+15+15+24+28/7

= 105/7

= 15

Median is (7+1/2)th = 4th term = 15.

Clearly mode is 15

If increased by 1 So new mode 16.

So new data

5, 8, 10, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 24, 23, x

Now No. of data 11

So arithmetic mean 15 = 5 + 8 + 10 + 15 + 15 + 16 + 16 + 16 + 24 + 28 + x / 11

=> 165 = 153 + x

=> x = 12

So form new data is 12, 16, 16, 16

Exercise 7.2

(1) Max. value = 63

Minimum value = 5

Range 63 – 5 = 58

Therefore, length of interval = 58/6 = 9.6 = 10


ClassInterval frequency
0 – 95
10 – 198
20 – 2910
30 – 397
40 – 497
50 – 595
60 – 693

(2) Max number = 40

Min number = 15

Range = (40 – 15) + 1

Class number = 26/4 = 6.5 = 7

15 – 2212
23 – 3011
31 – 386
39 – 461

(3) Given distribution are

4 – 11, 12 – 19, 20 – 27, 28 – 35, 36 – 43

Next two distribution are 44 – 51, 52 – 59.

(i) Length of each class interval 11 – 4 = 7

(ii) Class boundaries 11, 19, 27, 35, 43


Class IntervalClass mark
4 – 117.5
12 – 1915.5
20 – 2723.5
28 – 3531.5
36 – 4339.5


(i) Class intervals of the data 22 – 10 = 12.

(ii) Class intervals are 6- 16, 16 – 28, 28 – 40, 40 – 51, 52 – 64, 64 – 76

<286 + 14 = 20
<4020 + 20 = 40
<5240  + 21 = 61
<6461 + 9 = 70
<7670 + 5 = 75


> 66 + 69 = 75
> 1614 + 55 = 69
> 2820 + 35 = 55
> 4021 + 14 = 35
> 529 + 5 = 14
> 645


ClassDistribution frequency
0 – 102
10 – 2010
20 – 304
30 – 407
40 – 5012


ClassFrequencyCumulative class thanCumulative greater than
1 – 3101059
4 – 61210 + 12 = 2249
7 – 91515 + 22 = 2737
10 – 121337 + 13 = 5022
13 – 15950 + 9 = 599


RunsNo. of StudentsFrequency
0 – 1033
10 – 2088 – 3 = 5
20 – 301919 – 8 = 11
30 – 402525 – 19 = 6
40 – 503030 – 25 = 5


No of BooksGreater than cumulative frequencyFrequencyLess than cumulative frequency
1 – 104242 – 36 = 66
11 – 203636 – 23 = 136 + 13 = 19
21 – 302323 – 14 = 919 + 9 = 28
31 – 401414 – 6 = 828 + 8 = 36
41 – 506636

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