CBSE Pair of linear equations in two variables

  a Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables

An equations of the form Ax + By + C = 0 is called a linear equation in two variables x and y where A, B, C are real numbers.
Two linear equations in the same two variables are called a pair of linear equations in two variables. Standard form of linear equations in two variables.
a1x + b1y + c1 = 0, a2x + b2y + c1 = 0
where a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2 are real numbers such that
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 3 Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables Ex 3.1 1

Representation of Linear Equation In Two Variables

Every linear equation in two variables graphically represents a line and each solution (x, y) of a linear equation in two variables, ax + by + c = 0, corresponds to a point on the line representing the equation, and vice versa.

Ploting Linear Equation in Two Variables on the Graph

There are infinitely many solutions of each linear equation. So, we choose at least any two values of one variable & get the value of other variable by substitution, i.e; Consider; Ax + By + C = 0 We can write the above linear equation as:
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Here, we can choose any values of x & can find corresponding values of y.
After getting the values of (x, y) we plot them on the graph thereby getting the line representing Ax + By + C = 0.

Method of Solution of a Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables

Coordinate of the point (x, y) which satisfy the system of pair of linear equations in two variables is the required solution. This is the point where the two lines representing the two equations intersect each other.
There are two methods of finding solution of a pair of Linear equations in two variables.
(1) Graphical Method : This method is less convenient when point representing the solution has non-integral co-ordinates.
(2) Algebraic Method : This method is more convenient when point representing the solution has non-integral co-ordinates.
This method is further divided into three methods:
(i) Substitution Method,
(ii) Elimination Method and
(iii) Cross Multiplication Method.

Consistency and Nature of the Graphs

Consider the standard form of linear equations in two variables.
a1x + b1y + C1 = 0; a2x + b2y + c2 = 0
While solving the above system of equation following three cases arise.
(i) If a1a2b1b2; system is called consistent, having unique solution and pair of straight lines representing the above equations intersect at one point only
(ii) If a1a2=b1b2=c1c2 ; system is called dependent and have infinetly many solution. Pair of lines representing the equations coincide.
(iii) If a1a2=b1b2c1c2; system is called inconsistent and has no solution. Pair of lines representing the equations are parallel or do not intersect at any point.

Exercise 3.1

1. Aftab tells his daughter, “Seven years ago, I was seven times as old as you were then. Also, three years from now, I shall be three times as old as you will be.” (Isn’t this interesting?) Represent this situation algebraically and graphically.

Solutions:Let the present age of Aftab be ‘x’.

And, the present age of his daughter be ‘y’.

Now, we can write, seven years ago,

Age of Aftab = x-7

Age of his daughter = y-7

According to the question,

x−7 = 7(y−7)

⇒x−7 = 7y−49

⇒x−7y = −42         ………………………(i)

Also, three years from now or after three years,

Age of Aftab will become = x+3.

Age of his daughter will become = y+3

According to the situation given,

x+3 = 3(y+3)

⇒x+3 = 3y+9

⇒x−3y = 6       …………..…………………(ii)

Subtracting equation (i) from equation (ii) we have

(x−3y)−(x−7y) = 6−(−42)

⇒−3y+7y = 6+42

⇒4y = 48

⇒y = 12

The algebraic equation is represented by

x−7y = −42

x−3y = 6

For, x−7y = −42 or x = −42+7y

The solution table is

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For,  x−3y = 6   or     x = 6+3y

The solution table is

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The graphical representation is:

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2. The coach of a cricket team buys 3 bats and 6 balls for Rs.3900. Later, she buys another bat and 3 more balls of the same kind for Rs.1300. Represent this situation algebraically and geometrically.

Solutions: Let us assume that the cost of a bat be ‘Rs x’

And, the cost of a ball be ‘Rs y’

According to the question, the algebraic representation is

3x+6y = 3900

And x+3y = 1300

For, 3x+6y = 3900

Or x = (3900-6y)/3

The solution table is

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For, x+3y = 1300

Or x = 1300-3y

The solution table is

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The graphical representation is as follows.

Pair Of Linear Equations In Two Variables Class 10 Maths NCERT Solutions Ex 3.1 Q2.1

3. The cost of 2 kg of apples and 1kg of grapes on a day was found to be Rs.160. After a month, the cost of 4 kg of apples and 2 kg of grapes is Rs.300. Represent the situation algebraically and geometrically.

Solutions:Let the cost of 1 kg of apples be ‘Rs. x’

And, cost of 1 kg of grapes be ‘Rs. y’

According to the question, the algebraic representation is

2x+y = 160

And 4x+2y = 300

For, 2x+y = 160 or y = 160−2x, the solution table is;

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For 4x+2y = 300 or y = (300-4x)/2, the solution table is;

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The graphical representation is as follows;

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Exercise 3.2

1. Form the pair of linear equations in the following problems, and find their solutions graphically.

(i) 10 students of Class X took part in a Mathematics quiz. If the number of girls is 4 more than the number of boys, find the number of boys and girls who took part in the quiz.

(ii) 5 pencils and 7 pens together cost 50, whereas 7 pencils and 5 pens together cost 46. Find the cost of one pencil and that of one pen.


(i)Let there are x number of girls and y number of boys. As per the given question, the algebraic expression can be represented as follows.

x +y = 10

x– y = 4

Now, for x+y = 10 or x = 10−y, the solutions are;

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For x – y = 4 or x = 4 + y, the solutions are;

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The graphical representation is as follows;

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From the graph, it can be seen that the given lines cross each other at point (7, 3). Therefore, there are 7 girls and 3 boys in the class.

(ii) Let 1 pencil costs Rs.x and 1 pen costs Rs.y.

According to the question, the algebraic expression cab be represented as;

5x + 7y = 50

7x + 5y = 46

For, 5x + 7y = 50 or  x = (50-7y)/5, the solutions are;

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For 7x + 5y = 46 or x = (46-5y)/7, the solutions are;

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Hence, the graphical representation is as follows;

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From the graph, it is can be seen that the given lines cross each other at point (3, 5).

So, the cost of a pencil is 3/- and cost of a pen is 5/-.

2. On comparing the ratios a1/a2 , b1/b2 , c1/c2 find out whether the lines representing the following pairs of linear equations intersect at a point, are parallel or coincident:

(i) 5x – 4y + 8 = 0

7x + 6y – 9 = 0

(ii) 9x + 3y + 12 = 0

18x + 6y + 24 = 0

(iii) 6x – 3y + 10 = 0

2x – y + 9 = 0


(i) Given expressions;

5x−4y+8 = 0

7x+6y−9 = 0

Comparing these equations with a1x+b1y+c1 = 0

And a2x+b2y+c2 = 0

We get,

a1 = 5, b1 = -4, c1 = 8

a2 = 7, b2 = 6, c2 = -9

(a1/a2) = 5/7

(b1/b2) = -4/6 = -2/3

(c1/c2) = 8/-9

Since, (a1/a2) ≠ (b1/b2)

So, the pairs of equations given in the question have a unique solution and the lines cross each other at exactly one point.

(ii) Given expressions;

9x + 3y + 12 = 0

18x + 6y + 24 = 0

Comparing these equations with a1x+b1y+c1 = 0

And a2x+b2y+c2 = 0

We get,

a1 = 9, b1 = 3, c1 = 12

a2 = 18, b2 = 6, c2 = 24

(a1/a2) = 9/18 = 1/2

(b1/b2) = 3/6 = 1/2

(c1/c2) = 12/24 = 1/2

Since (a1/a2) = (b1/b2) = (c1/c2)

So, the pairs of equations given in the question have infinite possible solutions and the lines are coincident.

(iii) Given Expressions;

6x – 3y + 10 = 0

2x – y + 9 = 0

Comparing these equations with a1x+b1y+c1 = 0

And a2x+b2y+c2 = 0

We get,

a1 = 6, b1 = -3, c1 = 10

a2 = 2, b2 = -1, c2 = 9

(a1/a2) = 6/2 = 3/1

(b1/b2) = -3/-1 = 3/1

(c1/c2) = 10/9

Since (a1/a2) = (b1/b2) ≠ (c1/c2)

So, the pairs of equations given in the question are parallel to each other and the lines never intersect each other at any point and there is no possible solution for the given pair of equations.

3. On comparing the ratio, (a1/a2) , (b1/b2) , (c1/c2) find out whether the following pair of linear equations are consistent, or inconsistent.

(i) 3x + 2y = 5 ; 2x – 3y = 7

(ii) 2x – 3y = 8 ; 4x – 6y = 9

(iii)(3/2)x+(5/3)y = 7; 9x – 10y = 14

(iv) 5x – 3y = 11 ; – 10x + 6y = –22

(v)(4/3)x+2y = 8 ; 2x + 3y = 12


(i) Given : 3x + 2y = 5 or 3x + 2y -5 = 0

and 2x – 3y = 7 or 2x – 3y -7 = 0

Comparing these equations with a1x+b1y+c1 = 0

And a2x+b2y+c2 = 0

We get,

a1 = 3, b1 = 2, c1 = -5

a2 = 2, b2 = -3, c2 = -7

(a1/a2) = 3/2

(b1/b2) = 2/-3

(c1/c2) = -5/-7 = 5/7

Since, (a1/a2) ≠ (b1/b2)

So, the given equations intersect each other at one point and they have only one possible solution. The equations are consistent.

(ii) Given 2x – 3y = 8 and 4x – 6y = 9


a1 = 2, b1 = -3, c1 = -8

a2 = 4, b2 = -6, c2 = -9

(a1/a2) = 2/4 = 1/2

(b1/b2) = -3/-6 = 1/2

(c1/c2) = -8/-9 = 8/9

Since , (a1/a2) = (b1/b2) ≠ (c1/c2)

So, the equations are parallel to each other and they have no possible solution. Hence, the equations are inconsistent.

(iii)Given (3/2)x + (5/3)y = 7 and 9x – 10y = 14


a1 = 3/2, b1 = 5/3, c1 = -7

a2 = 9, b2 = -10, c2 = -14

(a1/a2) = 3/(2×9) = 1/6

(b1/b2) = 5/(3× -10)= -1/6

(c1/c2) = -7/-14 = 1/2

Since, (a1/a2) ≠ (b1/b2)

So, the equations are intersecting  each other at one point and they have only one possible solution. Hence, the equations are consistent.

(iv) Given, 5x – 3y = 11 and – 10x + 6y = –22


a1 = 5, b1 = -3, c1 = -11

a2 = -10, b2 = 6, c2 = 22

(a1/a2) = 5/(-10) = -5/10 = -1/2

(b1/b2) = -3/6 = -1/2

(c1/c2) = -11/22 = -1/2

Since (a1/a2) = (b1/b2) = (c1/c2)

These linear equations are coincident lines and have infinite number of possible solutions. Hence, the equations are consistent.

(v)Given, (4/3)x +2y = 8 and 2x + 3y = 12

a1 = 4/3 , b1= 2 , c1 = -8

a2 = 2, b2 = 3 , c2 = -12

(a1/a2) = 4/(3×2)= 4/6 = 2/3

(b1/b2) = 2/3

(c1/c2) = -8/-12 = 2/3

Since (a1/a2) = (b1/b2) = (c1/c2)

These linear equations are coincident lines and have infinite number of possible solutions. Hence, the equations are consistent.

4. Which of the following pairs of linear equations are consistent/inconsistent? If consistent, obtain the solution graphically:

(i) x + y = 5, 2x + 2y = 10

(ii) x – y = 8, 3x – 3y = 16

(iii) 2x + y – 6 = 0, 4x – 2y – 4 = 0

(iv) 2x – 2y – 2 = 0, 4x – 4y – 5 = 0


(i)Given, x + y = 5 and 2x + 2y = 10

(a1/a2) = 1/2

(b1/b2) = 1/2

(c1/c2) = 1/2

Since (a1/a2) = (b1/b2) = (c1/c2)

∴The equations are coincident and they have infinite number of possible solutions.

So, the equations are consistent.

For, x + y = 5 or x = 5 – y

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For 2x + 2y = 10 or x = (10-2y)/2

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So, the equations are represented in graphs as follows:

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From the figure, we can see, that the lines are overlapping each other.

Therefore, the equations have infinite possible solutions.

(ii) Given, x – y = 8 and 3x – 3y = 16

(a1/a2) = 1/3

(b1/b2) = -1/-3 = 1/3

(c1/c2) = 8/16 = 1/2

Since, (a1/a2) = (b1/b2) ≠ (c1/c2)

The equations are parallel to each other and have no solutions. Hence, the pair of linear equations is inconsistent.

(iii) Given, 2x + y – 6 = 0 and 4x – 2y – 4 = 0

(a1/a2) = 2/4 = ½

(b1/b2) = 1/-2

(c1/c2) = -6/-4 = 3/2

Since, (a1/a2) ≠ (b1/b2)

The given linear equations are intersecting each other at one point and have only one solution. Hence, the pair of linear equations is consistent.

Now, for 2x + y – 6 = 0 or y = 6 – 2x

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And for 4x – 2y – 4 = 0 or y = (4x-4)/2

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So, the equations are represented in graphs as follows:

Exercise 3.3

1. Solve the following pair of linear equations by the substitution method

(i) x + y = 14

x – y = 4

(ii) s – t = 3

(s/3) + (t/2) = 6

(iii) 3x – y = 3

9x – 3y = 9

(iv) 0.2x + 0.3y = 1.3

0.4x + 0.5y = 2.3

(v) √2 x+√3 y = 0

√3 x-√8 y = 0

(vi) (3x/2) – (5y/3) = -2

(x/3) + (y/2) = (13/6)


(i) Given,

x + y = 14 and x – y = 4 are the two equations.

From 1st equation, we get,

x = 14 – y

Now, substitute the value of x in second equation to get,

(14 – y) – y = 4

14 – 2y = 4

2y = 10

Or y = 5

By the value of y, we can now find the exact value of x;

∵ x = 14 – y

∴ x = 14 – 5

Or x = 9

Hence, x = 9 and y = 5.

(ii) Given,

s – t = 3 and (s/3) + (t/2) = 6 are the two equations.

From 1st equation, we get,

s = 3 + t ________________(1)

Now, substitute the value of s in second equation to get,

(3+t)/3 + (t/2) = 6

⇒ (2(3+t) + 3t )/6 = 6

⇒ (6+2t+3t)/6 = 6

⇒ (6+5t) = 36

⇒5t = 30

⇒t = 6

Now, substitute the value of t in equation (1)

s = 3 + 6 = 9

Therefore, s = 9 and t = 6.

(iii) Given,

3x – y = 3 and 9x – 3y = 9 are the two equations.

From 1st equation, we get,

x = (3+y)/3

Now, substitute the value of x in the given second equation to get,

9(3+y)/3 – 3y = 9

⇒9 +3y -3y = 9

⇒ 9 = 9

Therefore, y has infinite values and since, x = (3+y) /3, so x also has infinite values.

(iv) Given,

0.2x + 0.3y = 1.3 and 0.4x + 0.5y = 2.3are the two equations.

From 1st equation, we get,

x = (1.3- 0.3y)/0.2 _________________(1)

Now, substitute the value of x in the given second equation to get,

0.4(1.3-0.3y)/0.2 + 0.5y = 2.3

⇒2(1.3 – 0.3y) + 0.5y = 2.3

⇒ 2.6 – 0.6y + 0.5y = 2.3

⇒ 2.6 – 0.1 y = 2.3

⇒ 0.1 y = 0.3

⇒ y = 3

Now, substitute the value of y in equation (1), we get,

x = (1.3-0.3(3))/0.2 = (1.3-0.9)/0.2 = 0.4/0.2 = 2

Therefore, x = 2 and y = 3.

(v) Given,

√2 x + √3 y = 0 and √3 x – √8 y = 0

are the two equations.

From 1st equation, we get,

x = – (√3/√2)y __________________(1)

Putting the value of x in the given second equation to get,

√3(-√3/√2)y – √8y = 0 ⇒ (-3/√2)y- √8 y = 0

⇒ y = 0

Now, substitute the value of y in equation (1), we get,

x = 0

Therefore, x = 0 and y = 0.

(vi) Given,

(3x/2)-(5y/3) = -2 and (x/3) + (y/2) = 13/6 are the two equations.

From 1st equation, we get,

(3/2)x = -2 + (5y/3)

⇒ x = 2(-6+5y)/9 = (-12+10y)/9 ………………………(1)

Putting the value of x in the given second equation to get,

((-12+10y)/9)/3 + y/2 = 13/6

⇒y/2 = 13/6 –( (-12+10y)/27 ) + y/2 = 13/6

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Now, substitute the value of y in equation (1), we get,

(3x/2) – 5(3)/3 = -2

⇒ (3x/2) – 5 = -2

⇒ x = 2

Therefore, x = 2 and y = 3.

2. Solve 2x + 3y = 11 and 2x – 4y = – 24 and hence find the value of ‘m’ for which y = mx + 3.


2x + 3y = 11…………………………..(I)

2x – 4y = -24………………………… (II)

From equation (II), we get

x = (11-3y)/2 ………………….(III)

Substituting the value of x in equation (II), we get

2(11-3y)/2 – 4y = 24

11 – 3y – 4y = -24

-7y = -35

y = 5……………………………………..(IV)

Putting the value of y in equation (III), we get

x = (11-3×5)/2 = -4/2 = -2

Hence, x = -2, y = 5


y = mx + 3

5 = -2m +3

-2m = 2

m = -1

Therefore the value of m is -1.

3. Form the pair of linear equations for the following problems and find their solution by substitution method.

(i) The difference between two numbers is 26 and one number is three times the other. Find them.


Let the two numbers be x and y respectively, such that y > x.

According to the question,

y = 3x ……………… (1)

y – x = 26 …………..(2)

Substituting the value of (1) into (2), we get

3x – x = 26

x = 13 ……………. (3)

Substituting (3) in (1), we get y = 39

Hence, the numbers are 13 and 39.

(ii) The larger of two supplementary angles exceeds the smaller by 18 degrees. Find them.


Let the larger angle by xo and smaller angle be yo.

We know that the sum of two supplementary pair of angles is always 180o.

According to the question,

x + y = 180o……………. (1)

x – y = 18……………..(2)

From (1), we get x = 180o – y …………. (3)

Substituting (3) in (2), we get

180– y – y =18o

162o = 2y

y = 81o ………….. (4)

Using the value of y in (3), we get

x = 180o – 81o

= 99o

Hence, the angles are 99o and 81o.

(iii) The coach of a cricket team buys 7 bats and 6 balls for Rs.3800. Later, she buys 3 bats and 5 balls for Rs.1750. Find the cost of each bat and each ball.


Let the cost a bat be x and cost of a ball be y.

According to the question,

7x + 6y = 3800 ………………. (I)

3x + 5y = 1750 ………………. (II)

From (I), we get

y = (3800-7x)/6………………..(III)

Substituting (III) in (II). we get,

3x+5(3800-7x)/6 =1750

⇒3x+ 9500/3 – 35x/6 = 1750

⇒3x- 35x/6 = 1750 – 9500/3

⇒(18x-35x)/6 = (5250 – 9500)/3

⇒-17x/6 = -4250/3

⇒-17x = -8500

x = 500 ……………………….. (IV)

Substituting the value of x in (III), we get

y = (3800-7 ×500)/6 = 300/6 = 50

Hence, the cost of a bat is Rs 500 and cost of a ball is Rs 50.

(iv) The taxi charges in a city consist of a fixed charge together with the charge for the distance covered. For a distance of 10 km, the charge paid is Rs 105 and for a journey of 15 km, the charge paid is Rs 155. What are the fixed charges and the charge per km? How much does a person have to pay for travelling a distance of 25 km?


Let the fixed charge be Rs x and per km charge be Rs y.

According to the question,

x + 10y = 105 …………….. (1)

x + 15y = 155 …………….. (2)

From (1), we get x = 105 – 10y ………………. (3)

Substituting the value of x in (2), we get

105 – 10y + 15y = 155

5y = 50

y = 10 …………….. (4)

Putting the value of y in (3), we get

x = 105 – 10 × 10 = 5

Hence, fixed charge is Rs 5 and per km charge = Rs 10

Charge for 25 km = x + 25y = 5 + 250 = Rs 255

(v) A fraction becomes 9/11 , if 2 is added to both the numerator and the denominator. If, 3 is added to both the numerator and the denominator it becomes 5/6. Find the fraction.


Let the fraction be x/y.

According to the question,

(x+2) /(y+2) = 9/11

11x + 22 = 9y + 18

11x – 9y = -4 …………….. (1)

(x+3) /(y+3) = 5/6

6x + 18 = 5y +15

6x – 5y = -3 ………………. (2)

From (1), we get x = (-4+9y)/11 …………….. (3)

Substituting the value of x in (2), we get

6(-4+9y)/11 -5y = -3

-24 + 54y – 55y = -33

-y = -9

y = 9 ………………… (4)

Substituting the value of y in (3), we get

x = (-4+9×9 )/11 = 7

Hence the fraction is 7/9.

(vi) Five years hence, the age of Jacob will be three times that of his son. Five years ago, Jacob’s age was seven times that of his son. What are their present ages?


Let the age of Jacob and his son be x and y respectively.

According to the question,

(x + 5) = 3(y + 5)

x – 3y = 10 …………………………………….. (1)

(x – 5) = 7(y – 5)

x – 7y = -30 ………………………………………. (2)

From (1), we get x = 3y + 10 ……………………. (3)

Substituting the value of x in (2), we get

3y + 10 – 7y = -30

-4y = -40

y = 10 ………………… (4)

Substituting the value of y in (3), we get

x = 3 x 10 + 10 = 40

Hence, the present age of Jacob and his son is 40 years and 10 years, respectively.

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